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A bad Will is worse than no Will at all.


It gives a false sense of safety …
… so the owner of the Will rests easy until the day comes when the mess is revealed.

It leaves an estate leaking money …
… through unplugged tax holes, lacking requirements, or terms that result in court battles.

It provides a rude shock …
… to inheritors who think they are due to receive an asset, and then realize the operation of law makes it virtually impossible.

It turns out to be just a collection of stapled paper …
… when a court decides probate of the Will can't be accomplished.
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You're not a cookie. You are unique. Why settle for a cookie-cutter Will?

It won't account for your experiences, efforts, striving, nurturing, hopes, and dreams.

Plus, Canadian Wills have their quirks.

Did you know that depending on the Canadian province …

… a business person can have two valid Wills?

… some assets can be given to beneficiaries twice over in the same Will?

… some assets result in an automatic tax trigger at death unless you plan properly to avoid the tax?

… a disgruntled spouse can legally ignore a Will and make a mess of an estate?

… the estate rights of common law spouses are still very different from those of married spouses?

… the probate of a Will after death is pretty much impossible unless the probate tax is paid upfront?

… real estate held in "joint tenancy" won't pass through a Will even if the owner of the Will says it should?

… naming a guardian for a minor child in a Will is not the final word on that guardianship?

… RRSPs, TFSAs, and similar accounts can be passed on outside a Will in order to avoid tax?

… dying without a Will results in a distribution formula that can mean the government takes a cut, or takes the lot?

Just ten of many quirks.
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You've worked hard and continue to do so.

Your Will is the centrepiece of your estate plan. It implement your legacy.

Make it specific to you. Make it count. Make sure it can do what you intend.

Ask the hard questions. Then, come find the clear answers.
© Afolabi Business Law Professional Corporation